Wednesday, February 23, 2011

RCU Install 11

Reference  Reference:  Using the Latest Oracle Internet Directory 11gR1 Patchset with Oracle Single Sign-on and Oracle E-Business Suite [ID 876539.1]

Before you start ensure Database with InterMedia Option is installed.

If RAC Node Ensure all but one instance is down

Download RCU

Installation: Oracle Repository Creation Utility
[oracle]         cd <RCU STAGE LOCATION>/bin
[oracle]         ./rcu
        <Repository Creation Utility> Log:  rcuHome/rcu/log/logdir.YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MI/rcu.log

<Oracle Repository Creation Utility Manual>

8   Next .
Create Repository

8  Create
8   Next .

DB Connection Details
8   Next .

Type of Database   Oracle Database / Microsoft SQL-Server / DB2
Connection:  NOTE:  Based on products,  You may require sysdba,  if so then appropriate connection have to setup,  (i.e) remote sysdba privs

If your database is not AL32UTF8 then you will get this warning.


Prechecks,  Just click Okay

Select Components.  

This is based on which products you need to install,  You can always go back and select others later on. 

Select Compoenet for Configuration  (Minimum) AS Common, Identity Management

Ensure Oracle Identity Federation is UnChecked. if Intergrated with E-Business Suite

 Create a New Prefix: <NAME> This is a unique name to represent the metadata repository,  This name will be appended to other Tablespaces and username later on

Checks to ensure that the installer will not have any   issues with the creation of tablespaces/users

Click OK

Type in individual password or group them together for each schema/component.

Once typed in then click 8  Next .

You May get below screen based on options.

Last verification screen on schema and tablespaces that it will create,  If they already exist then that fine.
Click on each dropdown to ensure that tablespace name are correct

Click 8  Next .

Click Okay
Click Okay

This takes a few seconds to run, but creates the tablespaces, Ensure this passes

Summary screen on what it will do.
Click Create

Summary Screen of Finished Tasks.
Click CLose

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