Thursday, February 24, 2011

OID 11.Base Install

<Using the Latest Oracle Internet Directory 11gR1 Patchset with Oracle Single Sign-on and Oracle E-Business Suite [ID 876539.1]  

Download Install and extract

Cd <STAGE_TOP>/Disk1/

Click Next

Choose install  - do not configure – configure after applying patch

Check Install software – Do not configure
Click Next

Ignore this error of missing OS package.
Prereq Check,
One Pacakge will fail (With Warning)
Click Next

One Second node this will be Oracle_IDM2 and so on for 3/4/5,  This names cam be unique but Oracle_IDM is defualt and 1/2//3 is the node within cluster.

Select the weblogic Home  and Oracle HOME for the OID
Sleect Next

If MT has connection to (It recommended to select the check box) if not the unselect the checkbox

If unselect you get this,  If select there is a different popup

Summary of Taskss

installations status of tasks.

Once complete
Click Next


Then Click ok

Installation Complete
Safe response file

We did to validate are inputs

Response file saved
Click OK

Back to a Prompot window goes away.

Repeat on 2nd node

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